Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Celebrate Independents' Day

The Americans may celebrate their independence on July 4th, but we're celebrating our independent traders.

Click image to download Totally Locally Fiver Fest leaflet

As part of their Totally Locally campaign, the Forest Hill traders are running a Fiver Fest which will see thirty of them running special offers over the weekend. Pop into your favourite shop to get a copy of the flyer which has details of all the offers, or download it now.

1 comment:

  1. Someone complained that we had forgotten the Honor Oak traders. However, the FHTA in its current incarnation does not include any HOP traders.  This event is part of their Totally Locally campaign and not a Forest Hill Society campaign. We were just bringing it to our members attention.


SEE3 Christmas Shopping Guide 2020

Residents of Forest Hill, Kirkdale and Sydenham should soon be receiving the SEE3 Christmas Calendar and Directory through their letterbox...