Friday, 17 February 2012

New swings for Horniman Triangle

Last June, bids were requested for the Forest Hill ward's Assembly Fund.

Various people suggested on local forums that the Horniman Triangle could do with some swings, especially for the younger children. Unfortunately, nobody followed through and no application was received by the Co-ordinating Committee at their initial review. It was agreed, however, that the Forest Hill Society could submit a bid as it was felt that the need was there.

The Forest Hill Society therefore visited play parks throughout London and researched suppliers before putting in a last minute bid. This was successful and £9,500 was allocated from a combination of the Assembly Fund and Localities Fund. The Council agreed that they would deliver the project, which allowed the monies to go further as we would not have to pay VAT on the equipment.

The swings have now been installed and will hopefully provide many hours of enjoyment in the years to come. A big thank you to all those involved in this project.

The Forest Hill Society bid on four projects from the Forest Hill Assembly. These were:
Weatherproof Games in the Park
Horniman Theme for Empty Shops
Town Centre Planting Scheme and
Swings for Horniman Triangle.

Other projects which received funding from the Forest Hill Assembly Fund were:
Platform One
Safety Rulez – Part II: A Community Cohesion Project working with 12 girls aged 13-15 currently facing difficulties at school
Friends of Albion Millennium Green
Wildlife Hedgerow, Fencing and 8 New Fruit Trees for Community Orchard Open Air Theatre Millennium Green
Ageing Well in Lewisham
Arts Befriending Group and Theatre project-to help isolated older people
Healthy Living Workshops, teaching and encouraging cooking, nutrition and gardening
Sydenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum
Youth forum workshops, training young people to fundraise for our organisation
Friends of Devonshire Road Nature Reserve
New Green Oak Shelter for the Devonshire Road Nature Reserve
Kirkdale Village Traders Association
Kirkdale Village Beautification
Horniman Museum
Busy Bees - Sessions for under fives and parents, at the Horniman Museum


  1. I presume the Horniman Triangle is the field opposite Horniman Park which cannot be built upon aswas a burial site during the Great Plague of London

  2. You are correct about the location, you are wrong about the plague pit. There is no evidence to support to idea that it was used for plague burial.
    A bit more information can be found at


SEE3 Christmas Shopping Guide 2020

Residents of Forest Hill, Kirkdale and Sydenham should soon be receiving the SEE3 Christmas Calendar and Directory through their letterbox...