Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Forest Hill Local Assembly - Mon 1 February

The next meeting of Lewisham's local assembly is to be held at
Living Springs International Church
8-10 Devonshire Road
London SE23 3TJ

on Monday, 1 February 2010 from 7.30-9.30pm

We hope to see you there!

The following topics will de discussed.

Forest Hill Pools

Forest Hill pools has been an interest at the assembly since the first meeting. The assembly has received presentations and taken part in the consultation over the future of the pools and Roberts Limbrick has now been awarded the contract to design the new pools.
Work on the new Forest Hill pools is now progressing very quickly. The architects and Lewisham's Head of Property have been invited to keep the assembly up to date on progress, and the design team will present their latest designs and ideas to you for this exciting development. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback to the initial designs. This is an opportunity for your ideas and opinions to be taken into account in the final design.

Horniman Triangle play park toilet block

Forest Hill assembly allocated £3,850 from the £50,000 ward fund to take plans for toilets for the Horniman Triangle play park through the planning process. The money that the assembly has allocated means that it should be possible for the new toilets to be open in the summer.
The assembly meeting will be your opportunity to hear about these plans and ask questions.

Forest Hill town centre improvements

The assembly is working with Economic Development to improve the Forest Hill town centre. This will be on the February assembly meeting agenda, along with lessening the worst effects of the economic recession.
This is your chance to raise your concerns and ask questions about what the Council is doing to promote our town centre. Improving the town centre is one of the ward priorities and this discussion will give the assembly a chance to look at the ways that this can be done.

High Street clutter report

Forest Hill Assembly allocated £2,500 from the £50,000 allocation to pay for a report on how the layout and look of the high street can be improved and made to look less drab and cluttered. The finished report and its findings will be presented at the February meeting. The report will make a number of recommendations for actions to improve the look of Forest Hill. An initial draft can be downloaded here (6MB).
If the assembly supports the recommendations, it can request to raise the issue with the Mayor and Cabinet following discussions with officers on options and solutions.

The coordinating group

The coordinating group meets every couple of months and includes the assembly officer, one of the local councillors and other members of the assembly who are appointed by the assembly meetings. The role of the coordinating group is to help plan and run meetings, plan and prepare for the assembly and address the key priorities of the ward as decided by the assembly.
If you are interested in joining the Coordinating Group please contact Sam Dias on 020 8314 3386 or


All homes in the ward should have received a copy of the Forest Hill Assembly newsletter. If you have not received a copy, please contact Sam Dias on 020 8314 3386 or so that she can chase the delivery company and get a refund. In the meantime you can download a PDF from here.

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