Saturday, 14 February 2009

Pearcefield Avenue Planning Application

Below is the text of an email sent to Lewisham Council planning department on behalf of the Forest Hill Society.

Re: Application DC/08/70576: 17 Pearcefield Avenue, SE23

In general we would welcome bringing a building back into use either as a commercial site, which this appears to have been, or for residential use. However, on this occasion there are a number of concerns that we have about this development that lead us to object to the application.

  1. The key concern is overlooking. The building is approximately 10 metres from the nearest windows and adding a floor to this property looking in this direction would create problems with overlooking both in terms of the gardens and the neighbouring houses in Waldenshaw Road. The first floor window will look out directly into neighbouring gardens and towards their windows. For this reason the application should be rejected in line with council policy HSG 8 (e) "there should be no appreciable loss of privacy and amenity for adjoining houses and their back gardens".

  2. There is very little amenity space in this development with just two small yards for a family house. This is contrary to council policy HSG 7 "The Council will seek in all new dwellings the provision of a readily accessible, secure, private and useable external space. Family dwellings should be provided with their own private garden area. Normally, a minimum garden depth of 9 metres will be required".

  3. We are concerned that the reuse of the glass roof of this building, as well as the fact that this was built as a Victorian coach house, may result in a property that is costly to heat and environmentally inefficient. We would ask that the council consider if the design meets environmental guidelines or is contrary to policy HSG 5 "The Council will, therefore, only permit new residential development which: (e) would encourage energy and natural resource efficiency".

We hope that you will consider these concerns and other concerns expressed by local residents and reject this application.

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