Thursday, 17 May 2018

Planning Application: Hotel on the site of Coop

A planning application has been submitted to build a Holiday Inn in Forest Hill on the site of the Coop shop at 1 Waldram Park Road. Details of the application can be viewed on the Lewisham Council website.

The Forest Hill Society has written in SUPPORT of this application but with a request to consider certain aspects of parking, servicing, and high-quality design for the development, if it is approved.
Full details of the Forest Hill Society submission can be read here.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Edible Plant Giveaway - 12th May

The Forest Hill Society’s annual Edible Plant Giveaway:

Come to Forest Hill station’s forecourt at 2pm on Saturday, 12th May, to collect your FREE edible plant. Working with the Horniman Gardens we distribute edible starter plants and herbs to encourage people to grow their own and think green. You don’t even need a garden!

Any container on a window ledge will be fine so long as you remember to water the plant regularly.

Planning: Bampton Estate - 50 new homes

Lewisham Homes have submitted a planning application for the construction of one part four/part five storey building to provide fifty over 60s dwelling units. Details of the application can be viewed here.

The Forest Hill Society had submitted an objection to this development as we have concerns on the impact of existing and future residents. Of particular concern are:
  • Impact of daylight for existing residents
  • Lack of daylight in units in the new development
  • Overlooking & Loss of Privacy
  • Over-development of the site
  • Lack of details for the Northmoor blocks within the Bampton Estate
You can read the full response here.

SEE3 Christmas Shopping Guide 2020

Residents of Forest Hill, Kirkdale and Sydenham should soon be receiving the SEE3 Christmas Calendar and Directory through their letterbox...