Thursday, 23 November 2017

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Planning Application: 62 Sunderland Road

There has been a new application for 62 Sunderland Road (DC/17/103895) which can be viewed on the council website. This follows a previous application for this site which was opposed by the Forest Hill Society and was rejected by the council.

The Forest Hill Society has objected to this application and our detailed response can be read here.

It is our hope that the council continue their work on creating a conservation area in this area, which would protect some of these historic Christmas Houses - including this building.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Christmas Tree Lighting and Carols - Saturday 2nd December 2017

The Forest Hill Ward Assembly, Forest Hill Society, and Churches Together Forest Hill and Sydenham present Christmas Tree Sparkles!

Join us at Forest Hill Station from 3.30pm for singing, music and refreshments, at 4pm count down for the tree light switch on - led by Ellie Reeves MP.

Gems Performing Arts will then lead a procession by the children up Dartmouth Road to: Kirkdale (meet at The Journey CafĂ© on the Old Woodman Pub site).

The singing and festivities will continue and at 5.15pm the Christmas tree lights will be switched on!

A second procession will start at 4.45pm in Baxter Field led by Friends of Baxter Field. There will be a lantern procession down to Kirkdale and the lighting of the Christmas tree!
(bring a glass jar with a tea light).

Kirkdale Traders will be hosting their annual Christmas Late Night ShoppingEvent from 6-8pm

Come and join us, this is for all to enjoy and the more the merrier!


Christmas Card Screen Printing

Forest Hill Library will have a free Christmas Card Screen Printing Workshop for kids on Saturday 2nd December, 2-3pm at Forest Hill Library

Monday, 13 November 2017

Havelock Walk Winter Weekend - 25-26 November

Forget Black Friday and enjoy a colourful weekend in the heart of Forest Hill's artists' quarter!

SEE3 Christmas Shopping Guide 2020

Residents of Forest Hill, Kirkdale and Sydenham should soon be receiving the SEE3 Christmas Calendar and Directory through their letterbox...